Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We have a right too!

I wrote this poem after watching an Opera Winfrey episode and this particular program was about parents with gay children and how they dis-owned them because they were disgraced by their sexuality.
The children were obviously very upset and wanted re conciliation.
I felt upset for these children and it inspired me to write the following poem.

I personally am not gay, although i have experimented.

What is your problem
why do you say
that being who i am
is wrong in every way?

If you thought i was normal
you'd treat me the same
until the moment you realised
then you put me to shame


and im treated like a flu to stay away from
why cant you just except me for who i am
and for what i have become


And i am proud to say
that i have as many rights as anyone else
So please treat me like im human
share those rights...
dont just keep them for yourself

As i walk down the street
hand in hand with my lover
people all look and stare
but if i was with the opposite sex
they wouldn't notice and wouldn't care

Then there's the anti gay groups
who disdain me from what i believe in
they tell me it's wrong and abnormal
and that i'm involved in some sort of sin

So how do they perceive 'normal'
through fights because of someone else's belief
if we had a right to be who we are
then there wouldn't be so much anger and grief

So this is why i keep it quiet
and keep it within my
it's my sexuality
and im not hurting anyone else

For everyone can be opinionative
and some people do have a nerve
and it's from this
i wish i was 'normal' sometimes
then i'd have the respect i deserve!

written by HARMONY BLYTH
age 15

MONDAY 22/5/95

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