Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No Grey

This poem was mainly directed at boyfriend i had, that used to laugh at my opinions and views on life.

Needless to say we didn't last very long as we were two very different people.

Although, we still talk now and then, 8yrs later and has opened up a little since then.

I don’t understand how someone can think they’re intelligent
But really know nothing at all

Thinking they know everything
To the point that everyone else’s views are wrong
And up go their arrogant walls

Being a skeptic
Being black and white
They see “no grey” in the middle
Because “they know they’re always right.”

You try to show them other views on life
But it’s just a waste of time
It’s like talking to a brick wall
Or on deaf ears
Because their thoughts are fixed in their minds

They laugh at you
And make fun of what you say
They look at you strange
But to me,
They’re the one’s that are deranged

They reckon they ARE open minded
But how can a person say this
When one’s not willing to listen
And open up to new experiences?

I think it’s really sad for people like this
Because how can someone become a better person and grow
When their mind’s are permanently closed.

age 23

Written 8/11/03

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