Monday, April 28, 2008

The importance of LETTING GO!

Born so perfectly
No flaws, that one can see
Things seem to run smoothly
Until, your parents split up
And they move apart
At nine years old,
It’s confusing and breaks your heart

The mother leaves her father
for a man who’s angry and domineering
The father’s girlfriend, also angry
Often taking pills, sitting there with her face in her lap
Yelling at you, calling you a brat

Alcohol abuse every night
Don’t want to be at either home
Because of all the fights

Don’t worry child,
Just cry yourself to sleep

When hanging out with friends
Put on a brave face
Hide the pain
That you try so desperately to erase
Let them think the grass is greener on your side

After ten years of this
You start to feel ill
FINALLY, the girlfriend leaves and so does the abusive boyfriend,
That you moved out with at age sixteen
The mother’s boyfriend is still around
And starts to settle down,
Though still an angry person
But really only towards your mother now

The next several boyfriends, you’re with
Most are drug addicts,
you try and help them
Abusing you’re kindness
They just rip you off
As they drift carelessly, meandering, in and out of jail
Doing the same to others
As they leave their smelly trail

At the age of twenty-three
You’ve had enough of being used and abused
You feel a little more sick each year
From the constant stress
You decide it’s time to put yourself first
Fuck everyone else!
You need to focus on your own health!

At age twenty-four
You find out that something’s growing inside of you
Watching yourself slowly fade away
That could potentially, take your life one day

Suddenly things are put into perspective
Trivial things are no longer selective
Saving yourself, becomes the objective

The first thing to do is let go of old wounds
Heal the mind
Find a spiritual path
And give yourself some time each day to have a good laugh

mum, dad and Nai,
I love you

I thankyou

And for all the support
That’s been given to me
From strangers, friends and family

It’s been a hard road
But without your help
I would’ve had no road to walk down…

age 25

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing poem Harmony, and very personal. Made me sad. Nice you are sharing it.

WJ Kington